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Adventures in homeschooling our little angels. Join us in finding out what lessons God has in store for us!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Playing with Macaroni

Today was interesting. The girls were very excited to do school, in fact they were waiting for me at the table. Once we got started however, Sophie started complaining that she was tired and hungry and it was soooo hard to pay attention. She declined the invitation to go to her room instead and eventually got to work. Zoe on the other hand was thrilled to work, but spent the first 5 minutes trying to perfect the "Z" in her name and trying to erase the marker that she was using. I turned around, closed my eyes, said a quick prayer, took a deep breath, planted a big smile on my face and got started with our lessons.
We started by practicing writing the letter "G", both upper and lower case. Today we used a printout from Starfall. We also went over different words that start with "G", focusing only on the hard "G" sound.
Next we played a game I made up called Alphabet Hunt. I have index cards with uppercase letters on them. I scattered them around the house and had the girls find them. Then they had to put them in a row in alphabetical order. Zoe then said, "There's so many. I don't think I can count them all." So we counted the letters, then the girls took turns racing to pick up the letter I called out.
Now that they had gotten their wiggles out, we ended our lesson by gluing macaroni to "G's". Once these dry, we can "trace" our fingers over them. I like gluing small things because it's another way to strengthen fine motor skills. And what kid doesn't like using glue?

After all of that hard work, we all snuggled up on the couch for some stories and snack!

1 comment:

  1. Totally going to steal the macaroni glue letter idea from you. Love it!
