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Adventures in homeschooling our little angels. Join us in finding out what lessons God has in store for us!

Monday, October 4, 2010

October Fun

It still doesn't feel like fall here, but we're trying to get into the spirit. After completing our "N" worksheet, we did a pumpkin cutting activity. I drew pumpkin shapes on orange paper and triangles and squares on black paper. First, the girls cut out the triangles and squares to make eyes and a nose, and then they pasted them on their pumpkins. Then they designed a mouth, cut it out and pasted it on too. Finally, they cut their decorated pumpkins and hung them on the window.
Zoe's pumpkin

Sophie's pumpkin
We also did some math worksheets today that I got for free from The Critical Thinking Co. We worked on number sense and operations. I extended the lesson a little by cutting out number stickers (1-9). I gave each girl a pile of the stickers in random order and had them put the stickers in order on the back of their worksheets.

Bananas, ham roll-ups, cheese and goldfish graham crackers.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you post pictures of your food =) Cute pumpkins!!
