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Adventures in homeschooling our little angels. Join us in finding out what lessons God has in store for us!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Today we mixed it up a little bit and started our lesson with math instead of with reading and writing. First we used some worksheets to practice adding and subtracting. Then we did a worksheet about dividing objects into halves. I was surprised at how quickly the girls caught on to the concept of halves - maybe it's a byproduct of being such close siblings! I extended the lesson by getting out the playdoh. The girls each got a ball of playdoh and were told to smash it down to pancake size. Then I instructed them to cut the playdoh in half. They had to compare the pieces to determine if they were equal. If not, they had to start over. Zoe got hers on the first try, but Sophie took a few attempts. She was pretty thrilled to finally get her halves to be just right.
Here she is comparing two pieces that were not equal.
After the math lesson, we moved on to the letter "P". We practiced writing it, came up with lots of "P" words and used our playdoh again to sculpt "P's".
Today's snack included wheat thins, banana wheels with peanut butter and hard-boiled egg whites.

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