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Adventures in homeschooling our little angels. Join us in finding out what lessons God has in store for us!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

This Month - December

We spent the first part of this month doing activities related to Hanukkah. We read lots of stories, made crafts, did some adding with candles, and talked about miracles! Here is one of the crafts we did - a star of David made out of popsicle sticks and little flames to make it look like a menorah.
Now that Hanukkah is over, I've been teaching the girls about writing letters, specifically thank you notes. We've been working on writing our full names and address, and I also added in learning our phone number. We've been doing lots of work with our map. Since we're done working on the alphabet, we have a new opening routine. We say the Pledge of Allegiance and then we take out our big USA map. We start with Arizona (I ask one of the girls to point to it) and then we find the states where we are sending our thank you notes. We're also learning the states that border ours, and we're looking at some of the landmarks, bodies of water, capitals etc. For math, we're working on sorting, patterns, naming numbers in a set, reading number words and identifying numbers 0 - 25.

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